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Cancellation and Refund Policy

1. If the WMC2024&CMC2024 is canceled by the Organizer, the Organizer will reschedule the time and location. If the rescheduled WMC2024&CMC2024 cannot satisfy the participants, they can apply for a refund. The Organizing Committee will full refund the registration fee after reviewing the application.

2. If you cannot attend the WMC2024&CMC2024 due to personal reasons, you can choose to change the participant or cancel the registration and apply for a refund. Upon the approval of the Organizing Committee, the paid registration fee will be refunded after deducting a corresponding management fee. 

3. If the WMC2024&CMC2024 is canceled due to force majeure, the Organizing Committee will reschedule the time and location. Moreover, if the Organizer reschedules the time or location and participants aren't satisfied, they can apply for a refund. The Organizing Committee will refund the registration fee after mutual consultation. Force majeure mainly includes the following circumstances:

  • Natural disasters, such as typhoons, hail, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.
  • Government actions, such as expropriation and requisition.
  • Social anomalies, such as wars, armed conflicts, strikes, chaos, and riots.

4. According to the regulations of the bank, all refunds must be requested within six months from the date of payment.

Important Dates
 Conference Date:

July 8-11, 2024

 Abstract Submission Deadline:

May 21, 2024

May 24, 2024

 Early Bird Registration:

June 21, 2024