Simulation and microstructure of metallic glasses, Mechanical behaviors and fracture mechanism, Characterization and fabrication techniques, Metallic glass-based composite and nanocrystalline materials, high performance magnetic metallic glasses, Physical and chemical properties of metallic glasses, Applications of metallic glasses; Phase selection and stability of high entropy alloys, Mechanical behaviors of high entropy alloys, Deformation mechanism of high entropy alloys, Functional properties of high entropy alloys, Composition design and high-throughput calculation on metallic glasses or high entropy alloys, Physical and chemical properties of high entropy alloys.
姚可夫 清华大学
张勇 北京科技大学
沈宝龙 东南大学
乔珺威 太原理工大学
王成勇 广东工业大学
邵洋 清华大学