Simulation and microstructure of metallic glasses, Mechanical behaviors and fracture mechanism, Characterization and fabrication techniques, Metallic glass-based composite and nanocrystalline materials, high performance magnetic metallic glasses, Physical and chemical properties of metallic glasses, Applications of metallic glasses; Phase selection and stability of high entropy alloys, Mechanical behaviors of high entropy alloys, Deformation mechanism of high entropy alloys, Functional properties of high entropy alloys, Composition design and high-throughput calculation on metallic glasses or high entropy alloys, Physical and chemical properties of high entropy alloys.
Yao Kefu Tsinghua University
Zhang Yong University of Science and Technology Beijing
Shen Baolong Southeast University
Qiao Junwei Taiyuan University of Technology
Wang Chengyong Guangdong University of Technology
Shao Yang Tsinghua University